Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bean Counter

Woot I have had 100 hits so far. I decided to start tracking how many hits I got on here, and I have to say it's more than I ever thought I would have. This has been an interesting experience so far. I'm really enjoying myself, and it gives me something to have to think about everyday. I know I don't post as often as I would like, but that's because some days I just can't think of anything clever to say. I know this isn't a real clever post either it's really just rambling.
So I guess I can at least talk about what I am going to do for the day. I need to go to Wal-Mart and get some groceries, or maybe find a different grocery store. I never seem to get out of Wal-Mart without giving them an arm and leg. I also have to go to Walgreens and pick up some pictures I had printed off last night. I wanted to get in on the special they were having this month for 50 prints at only 0.10 a pic. I now have gotten the pictures from Disney World '06 printed to start scrapping. Although I should really get the ones done from '05 first, and I really still have some from '02 also that need to be done. Yea I'm a slacker in the scrapping dept. As if you didn't know that already. I mean it has been almost 5 years since my wedding and I still don't have that done, and I'm not even close to being done.

Argggg. The dogs are outside barking right now. I don't even want to go out and look at how messy they are. Our poor yard is just one big mud pit. All of our grass has just gone bye bye. If you know a good landscaper let me know I'm looking into having sod put down to curtail some of the dirt problem. Yes it is a problem. When you have dirt dust all over everything in the house it's a major problem. I can dust and the next day you can't even tell. It's driving me mad I tell you. The bad part is it's not really dust but dirt. When the wind blows it looks like the dust bowl is right outside our backdoor. It's time for something to be done, and I bet my poor neighbors are enjoying my dirt as well. Ha Ha.

Well I guess I had more to say than I thought. Ok I'm off to get ready and head out into the mean world today. Ughh at least the sun is shining, and it's supposed to warm up today. After the week of ice I'm ready to see the grounds back to normal. Not to mention I'm ready for spring to be here. Go Away Winter.

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